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Population Health Assessment

No two companies are alike, even in similar industries. The best wellness programs are custom-designed to reflect your corporate culture and goals This perspective creates wellness that compliments existing employee initiatives, and has a positioning of familiarity.

Our core assessment services integrate with health-risk data platforms for immediate data analysis. In addition, the Integrity-Wellness health portal provides a secure and efficient resource to collect and report biometric data. These tools allow our wellness screeners and health coaches to manage the data input and produce an easy-to-understand Health Report Card. This interactive tool also allows us to demonstrate the effects of small changes on each employee’s risk profile. Herein the first level of health coaching begins, even before your employees have left the screening event.

Collectively our staff, supported by these tools and data, generate recommendations for behavior and lifestyle changes for your company overall. You receive risk stratification, aggregate reporting, and consultation on the most critical elements of a unique wellness action plan.


Report Card


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Sample Report Card


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